- Code:
Planetary Information
Location: (Where is it located? Try to be as specific as possible I.E the system located)
Type: (What kind of is it? Ice World? Jungle World? Garden World?)
Atm. Pressure:
Surface Temp: (What are the extremes or average of surface temperature
Surface Gravity: What's the Gravity located on the Surface?
Mass: (How Heavy is it?)
Satellites: none
Colony Information
Species: (What species occupy the area?)
Owned by: (Who owns the Planet/colony?)
Founded: (When was the Planet/colony founded?)
Population: (Population?)
Capital: (If a Colony, what's it's Capital Called?)
Locations of Interest: (What is interesting on the planet/colony)
Standing Military Forces: (If a military installation, how large is the Garrison force?)
Defences: (Who or what kind of defences does the location have)
History: (History of the planet/colony)
Other information: (any other information?)